Approximately 80 billion farm animals are reared for food in the world each year.
– Compassion in World Farming
Approximately two out of every three farm animals in the world are reared on a factory farm. In the United States about 99 percent are reared on a factory farm.
– Compassion in World Farming
Each day approximately 160 million farm animals throughout the world are transported to a slaughterhouse.
– Farm Animal Rights Movement
The number of pigs reared for food each year in the United Kingdom is 10 million; in the United States is 110 million; in Europe excluding the United Kingdom is 300 million, and in China is 680 million.
– Compassion in World Farming
An average person living in a developed country who is not a vegetarian or vegan will consume approximately 7,000 animals during his or her lifetime.
– Vegetarian Calculator
Global meat production is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than all of the trains, cars and airplanes in the world combined.
– United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
Approximately 250,000 bulls are killed in bullfights throughout the world each year.
– Humane Society International
More than nine billion farm animals were slaughtered in the United States last year.
– Humane Society of the United States
Approximately 25 million farm animals are slaughtered each day in the United States.
– Mercy for Animals
Approximately nine percent — more than 850 million — of the animals reared for food in the United States each year never make it to the slaughterhouse because they have already died from stress-induced disease or injury.
– Farm Animal Rights Movement
About nine million cows are being used for milk production in the United States at any given time.
– American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
In the United States, an estimated 2.2 million sheep and lambs and 1.5 million goats are slaughtered for meat every year. Sheep used for meat in the country are usually slaughtered when they are only six to eight months old because consumers prefer lamb.
– Farm Sanctuary
Approximately 450,000 calves are reared for veal in the United States each year.
– Compassion in World Farming
United States farm law requires most animals but not birds to be rendered insensible to pain before being slaughtered.
– Farm Sanctuary
Approximately 260 million male chicks are killed upon hatching in the United States each year — they will not lay eggs or be used for meat and therefore have no economic value.
– Farm Sanctuary
More than 400,000 animals died in fires on factory farms in the United States last year.
– Humane Society of the United States
An average of 24 horses die each week on racetracks in the United States.
– CompassionWorks International
Farming and ranching are responsible for 68 percent of all species endangerment in the United States.
– United States Department of Agriculture
More than 330 million rabbits are farmed in tiny, barren cages across Europe each year.
– Compassion in World Farming
More than one billion rabbits are killed for their fur each year.
– People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Eighteen red foxes are killed to make one fox fur coat. Fifty-five minks are killed to make one mink fur coat.
– Compassionate Clothing Coalition
Approximately three million farm animals die while being transported in Canada every year.
– Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Approximately 3,000 silkworms are killed for every pound of silk produced.
– People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals